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While we probably all love scrolling through Instagram feeds full of fully sealed motorsport wiring harnesses featuring ultra-expensive Autosport connectors, the reality is that this sort of harness might be overkill for YOUR application, let alone your budget.
Alternatively, it might be exactly what you need, or even be something that gives you practice with tools and materials you otherwise wouldn't in your day-to-day career.
In this webinar we’ll discuss the differences between a club level and pro level harness, what materials and costs are involved, and find out how you choose one over the other while still having the focus of a reliable harness for your application.
We'll also quickly discuss why 'Mil Spec' or Milspec is not really a great description of anything without further information and a quick run down on concentric twisting noting while it is used in some levels of motorsport it isn't used exclusively in all levels of motorsport, although twisted pairs certainly are.
0:00 - Introduction
0:25 - Why we don't exclusively use the term Mil-Spec
1:40 - You don't need to spend thousands of dollars
2:25 - Factory vs motorsport harness
10:40 - Wire
15:00 - Sheathing
20:05 - Boots
24:00 - Concentric twisting
31:05 - Tools
37:00 - Time
38:40 - Cost
41:50 - Serviceability
43:45 - Questions
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