My birth year (1977) makes me not just a Gen Xer…but also part of a small cohort known as Xennials (or X-ennials)...Those of us born in the late 70s and early 80s who had an analog childhood and then experienced the transition to digital as we became teenagers and young adults. We are the cuspers, a bridge from one world to another. The earliest adapters. And I think this is a big deal.
Now, the official time frame for Xennials seems to be those of us born between 1977 and 1983…but we can't be THAT RIGID about those years. As I found in discussions on X this past week, we could probably stretch that out to 1974 ish to 1986ish…depending on where you born and your family's socioeconomic status. But all of that is for a future video about Xennials that is currently in the works.
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