This Video is Not Made for Kids. It is intended for a General Audience. It contains heavy themes. Credits go to Mattel & Sega for use of certain media used in this video. ALSO THAT ROLEPLAY GAME I POINTED OUT AT THE BEGINNING IS OFFICIAL WHAT- My Strawpage: PLAY THE GAME: The majority of video created here is ownership of Nowhere's Channel and is Not for Free Use. If you wish to use video footage from this video for your own content, please provide a link to this original post, or to Nowhere's Channel. Any media from outside sources belong to their respective owners, and must not be sourced secondhand from here. As part due to common issues in quality and controversy, This Channel has a No AI Policy. Any content created here will not be AI generated. If you find AI Generated Content in Any production of Nowhere's Channel, please comment what it is and the timestamp it appears at.