👘Want to Meet a Real Maiko? This is Shogo's most recommended activity, where anyone can meet an authentic Maiko and Geiko working in Kyoto: https://wabunka-lux.jp/experiences/en_exclusivekyoto-dinner/?ref=shogo
📱Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lets_ask_shogo/
Please ask me questions through the DM here
⚔️Learn Ancient Samurai Martial Arts from Anywhere Worldwide with Let’s ask Shogo
✅Sign up here (One Lesson FREE): https://www.patreon.com/lets_ask_sekisensei
We provide the perfect online lessons for anyone worldwide who wishes to dive into the world of ancient samurai martial arts through the style I train in, Kobudo Asayama Ichiden Ryu. I, Shogo, will participate in every lesson and interpret everything in English.
❶ No previous martial arts experience is required; you can catch up anytime
❷ Every lesson will be RECORDED and will be available to rewatch anytime
❸ You can ask the Sensei questions about the techniques and samurai culture/history
❹ You can join even if you belong to another Ryuha style
❺ You can receive OFFICIAL DAN RANKS by taking exams online (and opening a DOJO in the future)
🗡️The BEST Online Katana Shop for Budo Martial Arts (Iaido, Kenjutsu, Kendo, etc.): https://tozandoshop.com/letsaskshogo
I buy everything for my Budo martial arts training at this shop. The first training katana I bought in 2016 is still in good shape.
🗡️Shogo’s Most Recommended Activity in Kyoto, Japan | Samurai Training with Modern-day Musashi ★4.99 (700+)
✅Sign up here: https://www.airbnb.com/experiences/4577764?locale=en
A 120-minute experience in Kyoto, Japan, where beginners can learn how to wield, draw, sheath, and swing the katana from the modern-day Musashi (A video of me visiting this experience: https://youtu.be/MqBCAC42zAM).
🥷The recommended online katana shop for decorations and cosplay: https://minikatana.com/SHOGO
Get 15% OFF all their products by purchasing through my affiliate link
⭐️Who is Shogo? What is this channel about?
“To make every Japan lovers’ dream come true, by making Japan a more secure, comfortable, and safer place for everyone to visit, study, and live in.”
♪Sound effects♪
#letsaskshogo #japan #kyoto #maiko #geiko #geisha #kimono