CellarScience GERMAN YEAST - https://bit.ly/CellarScienceGERMAN
Kegland - https://bit.ly/Kegland-Gear
PATREON - http://www.patreon.com/thehomebrewnetwork
T-Shirts and More - https://shop.spreadshirt.com/home-brew-network
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/gash_slugg
Discord - https://discord.gg/CZREQeUKn9
Brew Beer Shirt - https://store.streamelements.com/gash_slugg?cartId=b7_s2uLKTYi_YwD-_pOf7g
Brewbuilt X3 Australia - https://bit.ly/BrewbuiltX3_26
Brewbuilt X3 USA - https://bit.ly/MBBrewbuiltX3
2inch to 1.5inch - https://bit.ly/2inchTo1-5inch
Power Controller Gen2 - https://bit.ly/PowerControllerGen2
Rapt Temperature Controller - https://bit.ly/RaptTempControl
2200w Element - https://bit.ly/2200wElement
Kegland - https://bit.ly/Kegland-Gear
Amazon Brewing - https://www.amazon.com/shop/thehomebrewnetwork
More Beer Aff. - https://bit.ly/MoreBeerAff
BYO Magazine - https://byo.com/shop?ref=32
Zymurgy Magazine Aff. - https://bit.ly/HomeBrewersAssociation
Brewfather - http://bit.ly/Brewfather
Video Gear
Microphone - https://amzn.to/3iUQriJ
Camera - https://amzn.to/3Y67AMm
Sigma 16mm lens - https://amzn.to/37IiXRM
Macro Lens - https://amzn.to/3rmOmRA
Newer Ring Light - https://amzn.to/3aAy4yL
Newer smaller LED light - https://amzn.to/44Bs2H9
Kegland Counterflow - https://bit.ly/KLCounterflow
Coolossus - https://bit.ly/ColossusV1
Coolossus V2 - https://bit.ly/ColossusGen2
CIP Spray Rotor - https://bit.ly/CIP-Rotor
Scrub Daddy Sponge - https://amzn.to/3q1n3ke
Scrub Daddy Sponge Ebay - https://ebay.us/ynadsm
PILL Wireless Kit - https://bit.ly/WirelessKitPill
Pill Wireless Barebones Kit - https://bit.ly/WirelessBarebones
Low Oxygen Corny Seal Kit - https://bit.ly/KegSealKit
Brewzilla Gen 4 - https://bit.ly/Brewzilla35LGen4
Bluetooth RAPT thermometer - https://bit.ly/RaptBTthermometer
Fermzilla TriClamp Collection Jar - https://bit.ly/600mlYeastCollection
Complete Corny Keg Seal and Fittings Kit - https://bit.ly/CompleteKegKit
Heat Proof Brewing Gloves - https://bit.ly/HeatProofGrippyGloves
Inkbird Ebay - https://ebay.us/2Yewxx
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