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Your Kingdom Spouse wants to go back to the start ⏪️ #kingdomspouse #kingdommarriage #propheticword

Consider the Ravens 7,191 3 weeks ago
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Today's Video Ad: AGAPE LOVE: workbook for women Authour: Jiana Louis Purchase your copy at 👇 Follow her on Instagram 👇 Support Small Christian Businesses, artists, and authors 💪  📢 I promote Christian businesses, artist and authors on my channel (and other social media platforms) for FREE in place of YouTube ads. 🌱Feel led to invest into my ministry (2 Corn. 9:6-7, 1 Corn. 9:14) 👇 🎁CASHAPP:$considertheravens24 🎁VENMO: 🎁PayPal Snail Mail 🐌: Rayven Renee P.O. Box 3601 Sioux City, IA 51102 I have Instagram and TikTok👇 🚨Make sure to take all prophetic words to the LORD to confirm they are for you (1Thess 5:20-21)  🚨I do not endorse secular music or encourage anyone to listen to secular songs I use as references. Hey, this is just how Dad ☝️ gets Green Tea her puzzle pieces 🧩 To each their own conviction when it comes to secular music/movie references 🕊️ Salvation Prayer: Pray this aloud: "Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins and surrender my life. Wash me clean. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. That he died on the cross for my sins and rose again on the third day for my Victory, I believe that in my heart and make confession with my mouth, that Jesus is my Savior and Lord. I receive eternal life, in Jesus name, Amen
