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Your Manifesting Mind Q&A Continued with Rhonda Byrne | RHONDA LIVE

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne 20,662 lượt xem 4 days ago
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Join Rhonda Byrne for the continuation of her Live Q&A on Your Manifesting Mind. This conversation is a continuation of the Live Q&A from January 28, 2025 when we experienced unexpected technical issues. During this conversation, Rhonda shared invaluable insights to help you understand how much your mind is manifesting, when your mind is at its most powerful for manifestation, and how to develop the mental discipline to manifest a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Here are the specific topics that were addressed during this conversation:

00:00 Opening
01:04 Previously on Your Manifesting Mind
05:38 Hello and welcome
06:20 It’s a mental Universe, everything is mind
12:30 Is it better to ask for money or an idea?
13:55 How to manifest and stay positive
18:00 Does saying you’re on the verge of manifesting keep manifestations in the future?
18:48 How to prevent anxiety when visualizing or writing intentions
19:58 Do larger dreams take longer, like falling in love?
20:43 Are feelings required for manifesting?
21:22 Visualize in the third person or first person
23:15 How to use law of attraction alongside AA or drug recovery program
24:27 How to manifest a better relationship with an in-law
25:55 Does the Universe judge?
27:45 How to deal with a partner whose negativity cancels manifestations
29:57 After scripting my visualization, can I use the same script to continue to visualize?
30:28 How did Rhonda overcome fear and doubt to release The Secret?
32:03 Can the welcoming process be used for healing?
34:21 If you can’t see pictures in your mind, how do you visualize?
34:57 Doesn’t accepting negative feelings manifest them?
35:55 Can I use The Secret to manifest for someone else, ie stop my daughter being bullied at school?
36:55 Is death something we attract or is it out of our control?
38:34 Expectation is a powerful tool but how does that work with letting go? 39:52 How to manifest more hair growth
43:42 What to do daily to connect to the Universe – gratitude
47:23 Next live exclusive to YouTube
49:42 Thank you and goodbye for now

Looking to dive deeper? Below are suggested tools you can use to further discover the power of your manifesting mind:

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On The Secret YouTube channel, you will discover conversations with Rhonda Byrne, movie trailers, book launch videos, excerpts, and inspirational clips to ensure you have the tools to create whatever you want—happiness, health, wealth, and anything you can dream of.

Rhonda Byrne is the creator behind The Secret, a documentary film that swept the world in 2006, changing millions of lives and igniting a global movement around the power of manifestation. Later that year Rhonda's book of The Secret was released, which was translated into 50 languages and remains one of the longest-running bestsellers of this century. Rhonda has written five more bestselling books since, which together form The Secret Book Series: The Power in 2009, The Magic in 2010, Hero in 2013, How The Secret Changed My Life in 2016, The Greatest Secret in 2020, and her latest book, The Secret to Love, Health, and Money: A Masterclass in 2022.

Rhonda's intention is and will always be bringing joy to billions.

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