Where are the idols involved in the Burning Sun scandal—Seungri, Jung Joon Young, and Choi Jong Hoon—now?
Imagine your favorite idol, the one you admire for their innocence and kindness, suddenly revealed as one of the biggest criminals, involved in activities you've only seen in mafia movies. There has never been a case in K-POP as shocking as Burning Sun.
When the BBC World released their documentary "Burning Sun: Exposing the Secret K-pop Chat Group" on YouTube, it went viral, reaching millions of views in just days. This documentary brought back the trauma that has haunted the Korean entertainment industry for years.
The case turned out to be much deeper than it appeared on the surface, leaving us to wonder: what really happened to the perpetrators?
In today's video we look at Your Oppa Is A Criminal: Where Are The Burning Sun Idols Now? (Seungri, Jung Joon Young, Choi Jong Hoon)
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Inspired by Kookielit, Kpop Junkee, Doyouram (두유람), Angelina Kpop
Inspired by Burning Sun: Exposing the secret K-pop chat groups - BBC World Service Documentaries
Inspired by K-Pop Idols Who Mysteriously Survived the Burning Sun Scandal
Inspired by K-Pop Stars Opened a Night Club to Drug & Sell Women to Overseas Investors
Inspired by K-pop idols jailed over Burning Sun scandal coping with fallouts of their deeds
Inspired by The Sickening K-Pop Spycam Sex Ring
Inspired by 버닝썬: K팝 스타들의 비밀 대화방을 폭로한 여성들의 이야기 - BBC News 코리아
#kpopnews #BurningSunCase #BurningSunIdols
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