Experience the story of Daisie-Mae, a teenager from a small town, as she struggles to balance her dreams and the expectations placed upon her. Inspired by the lyrical genius of Taylor Swift's 'Midnights,' this short film delves deep into the complexities of self-discovery and the quest for independence.
Daisie Mae's life is a constant tug-of-war between her own ambitions and her mother's strict guidance. Through moments of vulnerability and strength, she embarks on a journey that challenges her to find her true self and the courage to stand on her own.
*This content is not affiliated with Taylor Swift, just a fan project to appreciate her work*
* Daisie-Mae played by Paloma Hill
Instagram - @palomaa.hill
* Pamela played by Vicki-Jo Eva
* Nathan played by Alex Bree
Instagram - @_alexbree
* Lana played by JB Maya
Instagram - @jbayee
Directed by: Liam Moule
instagram- @liam.moule
Written by: Liam Moule
Based on: 'Midnights' by Taylor Swift
#taylorswift #film #midnights #folklore #erastour