Hey guys! Thanks for tuning in, I super mega appreciate you!
In this video, I share the 5 biggest mistakes I made when I first started music production and how you can avoid them in your own journey. From getting stuck in loops to overloading your mix with too many elements, these mistakes are common but easy to learn from. I’ll dive into some more nuanced tips that aren’t often talked about, but could make a huge difference in your workflow and results. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to level up, this video will help you save time and improve your skills.
Mistakes Covered:
1. Getting stuck in a loop
2. Not releasing your work
3. The importance of reference tracks
4. The power of organization in your session
5. Overloading your mix with too many elements
Let me know in the comments what mistakes you’ve learned from and what you want to see next!
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