Having scripted 25,000,000 views worth of YouTube content for multi-million subscriber YouTubers, George breaks down the most important aspects of writing a YouTube script regardless of how much time you have.
Follow Jamie:
🌐 Website - https://jamiewhiffen.co.uk/
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Follow Gwilym:
🌐 Website - https://gwilymsw.com/
✉️ Newsletter - https://gwilym.substack.com/
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Follow George:
🌐 Website - https://georgeblackman.com/
✉️ Newsletter - https://georgeblackman.com/write-on-time/
🕊️ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GeorgeBlackman_
Listen on:
Apple Podcasts - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/making-it-with-george-jamie-and-gwilym/id1721712087
Spotify Podcasts - https://open.spotify.com/show/1OjMryLwJgzmxOepxcrXJA
0:00 - The Problem
0:25 - Importance of Scripts
2:08 - Barriers to Writing
3:40 - Structuring Scripts
6:16 - Level One Scripting
10:04 - Identifying Payoffs
14:34 - Level Two Scripting
19:46 - Idea Selection
22:11 - Refining Formats
27:03 - Natural Storytelling
30:36 - Film Twice
34:55 - Pressure-Free Recording
38:00 - Level 3 Scripting
43:09 - Conclusion and Action Points