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I want to share the tool that I use when I’m preparing sermons, writing, or studying the Bible.
Logos is a powerful Bible study platform that lets you access commentaries, devotionals, and Bible dictionaries all in one place. The latest version uses AI to provide answers from your trusted Biblical resources. Plus, it’s now easier to use with plans starting at $9.99 a month. Click Here: to start your free extended trial today
Everyone will be judged. But did you know that not everyone will enter heaven the same way?
In this episode we're diving into common misunderstandings about what happens after we die. Are we preparing as we should? What if we are missing out on some amazing promises waiting for us in heaven?
Don't miss this powerful conversation that will change how you think about eternity
Chapter Markers:
0:00 - Introduction
0:41 - Summary and Catch Up of 2 Peter 1
4:07 - The Result of Exerting Effort in Your Relationship with the Lord
8:08 - What Does it Mean to be Blind/Short-Sighted?
11:52 - Ad: Download the MessengerX App
12:42 - What Does it Mean to be Blind/Short-Sighted?
14:36 - A Grand Entrance into Heaven
17:04 - Building for the Now VS Building for the Eternal
23:04 - Not Everyone Will Enter Eternity the Same Way
26:53 - Who is the Grand Entrance for?
31:17 - Called for a Purpose
33:31 - Judgment: Multiple and Misunderstood
34:49 - Being Well-Pleasing to God
40:25 - Eternal Decisions, Doing Everything with Purpose
44:29 - Get John's Book, Driven by Eternity
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