I've been meaning to come back for a while now, but I've only recently taken on the task of learning an all new editing software after deciding to move from movie studio platinum. I ended up choosing Kdenlive for this project, and I'm happy with it's capabilities so far- minus the fact that it has no bulge or swirl effect.
Production started late last month. The only ideas I already had planned before was the "You are a toy" bit, and Woody convincing Buzz that they are indeed on his planet. Everything else, I had to come up with as I went along. This video depended on whether I could get my imagination running or not.
Since I've left, I learned to shift into a better mindset for content creation that has made the production of my projects more enjoyable. I used to be very insecure and perfectionist about the quality of my work, especially compared to others, but now I've learned not to compare myself to others, be grateful with what I have, and just do the best I can with my current ability. If not for that, this video may have taken much longer than a month to finish or maybe even never because I'd be spending hours and hours tinkering to make sure it's "perfect" and possibly scrap the whole thing for not being good enough.
That being said, I'm still not sure a complete return is in the cards right now; I don't have much video ideas besides this, and I have projects in other places as well. There may still be long periods of time between uploads.
Thank you for your time. Please feel free to leave any helpful advice on how to improve my videos. It would be appreciated.