I do not own any of the content in this video. All rights belong to the NFL and its broadcasters: CBS Sports, ESPN, FOX Sports, and NBC. These videos are for entertainment purposes only, and I do not make any profit from them.
Zaire Franklin's 2023 Season Stats (16 games)
- 179 Tackles* (2nd in NFL; Franchise record)
- 3 Tackles for loss
- 1.5 Sacks
- 2 Forced Fumbles
- 6 Passes Defensed
Twitter: @CT_Colts
Instagram: collintelesz
Sky Might Fall (Instrumental) - Kid Cudi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--y1IUN63Vc&ab_channel=KidCudi-Topic
Red Sky (Instrumental) - 21 Savage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mrt_Vt0BZQ&ab_channel=21Savage-Topic
Thumbnail: AP Photos - Zach Bolinger https://www.syracuse.com/resizer/qkJebAnWhiKiFloySdtEJLZ4gew=/1280x0/smart/cloudfront-us-east-1.images.arcpublishing.com/advancelocal/JJY47VRRIVGNLKLHHIL5TOISDM.jpg
Outro Song:
Journey - Korou https://youtu.be/XhYvaxIoKFI?si=eFR2CF4moL-eXE46
Outro Image: Getty Images - Michael Hickey https://media.bleacherreport.com/image/upload/c_fill,g_faces,w_3800,h_2000,q_95/v1694375183/zwhgdsxawa5sj74mzpqr.jpg