In this beginner’s tutorial you will learn everything you need to know about ZBrush. We will:
- clear up some common misconceptions about ZBrush
- download, install and launch ZBrush for the first time
- take a look at the user interface and the 2.5D concept
- learn all about poly modeling and sculpting tools
- and we will together start working on a little sample project
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00:00 - introduction, misconceptions, etc
22:36 - installation
25:29 - wacom tablet settings
27:28 - introduction to interface and customization
37:09 - 2.5D introduction
45:22 - 3D introduction - this is where real fun begins!
49:16 - brief recap of stuff discussed since 45:22
50:35 - next part introduction
51:31 - adjustments to the canvas
52:57 - navigation
56:47 - cursor
58:31 - cursor follows normal of the surface adjustment
59:25 - draw Size of the cursor
1:00:15 - brushes
1:04:20 - appling colors
1:06:30 - masking
1:13:48 - selecting
1:16:58 - polygroups
1:20:19 - transpose tool (moving, scaling and rotating)
1:22:36 - what is a subtool?
1:26:06 - duplicating a subtool
1:26:50 - appending a subtool
1:27:32 - navigating between different subtools
1:28:25 - merge and Split subtools
1:30:23 - symmetry
1:33:28 - ZBrush specifics, next part talk - no editor
1:36:27 - subdividing geometry
1:47:16 - subdivision and triangles (ZRemesher)
1:50:40 - projecting details from highpoly triangle model to new quad model
1:54:07 - issues working with mesh build out of triangles
1:55:42 - brief recap of stuff discussed (subdivisions) since 1:36:27
1:58:37 - dynamesh
2:04:35 - dynamesh, holes and intersections
2:11:44 - dynamesh recap
2:14:40 - creating the bird feet example, intro
2:16:10 - start of the sculpt with ZSpheres
2:21:12 - convert mesh from Z-Sphere mesh to regular mesh with Adaptive skin
2:22:00 - sculpting mesh with brushes
2:24:16 - making skin between toes
2:25:48 - fixing model with dynamesh
2:28:14 - repositioning
2:30:38 - mirror and weld
2:31:16 - symmetry sculpting and polishing
2:36:23 - DamStandard brush, claybuild-up brush
2:37:15 - turn Dynamesh back into subdivision mesh
2:39:02 - finalizing the sculpt with finishing touches
2:43:47 - applying color
2:46:41 - explaining how other parts of the bird are done
2:47:53 - final words
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The seagull model I’ve created for this tutorial is inspired by a character from the Disney show “Puppy Dog Pals” which is based on a concept drawing created by the amazing Jeremiah Alcorn. I don’t own any copyrights on the model or the concept nor haven’t I contributed anything to the show or worked for Disney. All rights on the character belong exclusively to Disney.
The Disney show “Puppy Dog Pals” can be found here:
Jeremiah Alcorn’s Instagram profile can be visited here:
You can purchase ZBrush on the Pixologic homepage:
#zbrush #beginner #tutorial