In this video, I install a FILT-R-PAK 60+ kit into my Zenith Trans-Oceanic R600. This kit replaces the filter capacitor, selenium rectifier, and the electrolytic capacitor.
Search ZENITH TRANS-OCEANIC FILT-R-PAK on eBay for details and options.
I also install a capacitor kit from Hayseed Hamfest.
I kind of go fast describing the part of how I temporarily bypassed the Selenium Rectifier to get the radio to power on. I used a 1N4007 diode in series with two 68 ohm resistors to get the voltage down near the required 105 VDC. The 1/2 watt resistors got kind of hot because the original is 3 watt.
Also see my other videos. I replace the dial string and do an alignment.