Welcome back again,thanks for stopping by
no doubt zobo is a lucrative business as almost everyone is trying their way into healthy drinks,so if you are looking to go into the business,this is the first video you should watch so you don't make the same loses I made when I just started the business.
In this video,I talked about
(1)Types of measurement
(2)Types of sweetener
(3)Types of herbs that goes well with your drink
(4)types of pineapple and the best to use
(6)Sizes of zobo flower
(7)Types flavour
(8) Measurement guide for 20 liters of zobo drink and many more
I have some of the materials like
Hibiscus flower
Heat gun
Shrink wrap nylon
Flavours and many other things
Date and many more for sale,you can reach me on 08120895120 for more
Please SUBSCRIBE to the channel so that YouTube can suggest my videos to people that needs it.
(1)How to Preserve your zobo drink to last up to a month
(2) How to sweeten your zobo drink with jaggery
#zoborecipe #zobodrink #zobopreservation#sobolo #zobo