00:00 開頭
01:07 講古時間:新馬如何分家?
03:45 新加坡為什麼會成功?
07:01 大馬哪裡不行?
08:59 高度集權的政府
10:26 新馬大不同
- YouTube NST Online: Singaporean comedian Jocelyn Chia’s MH370 joke doesn’t land with Malaysians: https://youtu.be/9btvDjITSmg
- Reddit @Caninomancy: Size of Singapore vs Hong Kong: https://shorturl.at/dsQS9
- Wikipedia 新加坡州: https://shorturl.at/suCFI
- The Straits Times: Lee Kuan Yew’s 1961 radio broadcasts on merger with Malaya released in new book: https://shorturl.at/jorx8
- History SG: Signing of the Malaysia Agreement: https://shorturl.at/hxOV5
- Wikipedia 新加坡歷史: https://shorturl.at/lKL05
- Wikipedia Malaysian Malaysia: https://shorturl.at/emrxY
- Khmer Times: Dirt poor. Dangerously unstable. Hopeless future…: https://shorturl.at/tAEI2
- YouTube yonghuasiritape: singapore rejected: https://youtu.be/41ND3U_9HgQ
- BIS: Ravi Menon: An economic history of Singapore - 1965-2065: https://shorturl.at/jPTX0
- TMF Group: The Singapore advantage Part one: https://shorturl.at/kBLNX
- Maritime Gateway: Singapore Remains The World’s Busiest Transshipment Port: https://shorturl.at/qsDUV
- IMF eLibrary: Chapter 3. Going Beyond Comparative Advantage: How Singapore Did It: https://shorturl.at/fvPV0
- 《台北論壇》: 新加坡如何吸引跨國企業擴大投資半導體產業? : https://shorturl.at/fzK38
- Nanyang Polytechnic Official Website: https://www.nyp.edu.sg/about-nyp/nyp-overview/who-we-are/about-nyp.html
- 《網易》: 深度丨亞洲半導體的“橋頭堡”:新加坡半導體產業: https://shorturl.at/vNWY1
- 《自由時報》: 李顯龍姪子「藐視法庭」定罪 再批政府為臉書貼文浪費3年: https://shorturl.at/pBDX6
- 《關鍵評論網》: 面臨藐視法庭的起訴 李顯龍姪子表示不願回新加坡: https://shorturl.at/cyBZ8
- New Straits Times: Lee Kuan Yew's grandson convicted of contempt of court: https://shorturl.at/jDVY2
- 《BBC中文》: 新加坡通過“防外國干預法”的爭議和影響: https://shorturl.at/bisR3
- Human Rights Watch: 新加坡:應撤回防止外來干預法案: https://shorturl.at/pBIS8
- Wikipedia 2021年防止外來干預(對應措施)法令編輯: https://shorturl.at/iwQS2
- 《東方日報》: 新聞自由指數大馬躍進40位 排名第73蟬聯東南亞之冠: https://shorturl.at/oCUY1
- Reporters Without Borders: World Press Freedom Index: https://rsf.org/en/index
- NBC News: Singapore has highest death penalty rate: https://shorturl.at/fvRS4
- Stock footage provided by Freepik, downloaded from videvo.net
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