■ ー ー Vehicle introduced this time
Manufacturer: Toyota
Common name: New Voxy (2020.5-improved model) latest model
Grade: 20 "Gasoline" ZS Glitter II (special specification car) 7 people 4WD
Vehicle model: DBA-ZRR85W
Body price: 3,138,300 yen (including consumption tax)
Body color: Inazuma Parking Black Glass Flake "Special Color" * Separately 33,000 yen (tax included)
Interior: Black (standard)
"* Added in October 2020"
Changed to Voxy ZS (special specification car) Glitter III
There are some changes in the interior.
■ -BGM, sound effects, etc.
* Free BGM material is used.
#Stay in the car
★ ー Notice ー ★
A separate channel will be opened in May 2019.
To differentiate the video concept in "E-JTV car life base"
We have started posting videos focusing on Hiace car trips, overnight stays in cars, and camping videos.
Currently, videos of the new Tanto Custom are also being released on a regular basis.
▼ "E-JTV car life base"
◆◆ ー Related links ー ◆◆
▼ YouTube "E-JTV car life base"
▼ Instagram "e-jtv.films.base"
▼ Twitter
◆◆ ー CONTACT ー ◆◆
We are based in Niigata prefecture
Both channels are individual activities.
For inquiries and work requests
Please contact us at the email address listed below.
▼ E-mail address common to both channels
"E-JTV car channel"
"E-JTV car life base"