左營龜山, 座落於鳳山縣舊城內, 是守護城池的軍事要地, 自古以來即為軍事要地。龜山, 海拔僅63公尺, 有三個步道入口, 從北門口步道口出發, 約10鐘即可輕鬆登頂龜山。山頂設有軍事碉堡及防空砲陣地,更可遠眺左營軍港。
Zuoying Guishan, located in the old Fengshan City, is an important military site for guarding the city, and has been an important military site since ancient times. Guishan, with an altitude of only 63 meters, has three trail entrances. Starting from the trail entrance at the North Gate, you can easily climb to the top of Guishan in about 10 minutes. There are military bunkers and anti-aircraft artillery positions on the top of the mountain, and you can overlook the Zuoying Military Port in the distance.
本次旅行的交通資訊,請參考以下Google Map連結:
(Please refer to the following Google Map link for the traffic informatin )
【一般路程時間參考】(Walking reference time)
The tour takes about 1 hours.
【公廁資訊】(Lavatory Information)
「見城之道」沿途設有公共廁所 (請參考上述Google地圖標示的公廁地點)。
There are public toilets along the "Old Fongshan City Wall Historic Route" (please refer to the above Google Maps for public toilet locations).
【交通資訊】(Traffic Information)
★Public transportation: The above Google map has marked the nearby bus stop and station name.
★Drive by yourself: It is recommended to enter "Haiguang Parking Lot" in Google Maps Satellite Navigation to arrive at the destination.
【延伸閱讀】(Extended reading)
★Tony的自然人文旅記第2037篇 - 旅行影片:新完工!左營「見城之道」!清代鳳山縣舊城
★Tony的自然人文旅記第2038篇 - 旅行影片:左營舊城西門遺址、日本海軍震洋隊、震洋神社遺跡
★更多的旅記, 歡迎造訪我的網站(旅記依旅行區域分類):
【Tony著作的旅遊書, 歡迎訂購!】(Tony's travel book, welcome to order)
《大台北宜蘭小村+步道 達人全程帶隊影音版 》
《大台北步道100影音增強版: PLUS達人全程帶隊 》
【影片製作相關設備及軟體】(Video production related equipment and software)
Gopro Hero 10 運動型攝影機 (攝影)
270-pro Backpack 碳纖維自拍桿 (自拍棒)
Waytogo app 記錄GPS 足跡 (行程記錄)
Power Director 365 威力導演 ( 剪接/字幕)
YouTube音效庫 (音樂)
PhotoImpact 13 (繪圖)
Google Map (交通地圖)
00:01 Your Love - Yung Logos (YouTube音樂庫)
02:25 Christmas Homecoming - Aaron Kenny
05:17 Pink Sunrise - The Great North Sound Society
07:25 Recollections - Asher Fulero
10:28 Parisian Cafe - Aaron Kenny (YouTube音樂庫)