ZU's US MADE speakers ship worldwide https://www.zuaudio.com/loudspeakers/dw6 Zu ships worldwide, shipping is expensive, but cheaper than the added costs of having a distributor.
AUDIOPHILIAC viewers comments on VERY LOUD and VERY QUIET Listening make for interesting reading https://youtu.be/zuv1LbV6iEo
AUDIOPHILIAC's ZU Soul 6 speaker review https://youtu.be/NQj8s15zTHA
0:00 The new Zu!
1:33 Looking back on the Zu Soul 6
2:01 What's special about Zu speakers
4:38 Loud Listeners/Quiet Listeners
6:11 The Price
8:33 The three amps I used w the Zu
11:18 The Sound
12:39 The Music
19:44 So Steve, what do you really think?
20:31 Audiophiliac Viewer System of the Day!
21:52 Outro
Twitter: @AudiophiliacMan
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steve.guttenberg/
#zu #madeinUS #hifi
Steve’s System:
Technics SL 1200G turntable
Grado Epoch 3 cartridge
Ortofon Cadenza Blue cartridge
Van Den Hul Grail phono preamp https://audioshield-distribution.com/van-den-hul-grail
Parasound JC3+ phono preamp
Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC
Jay’s Audio CD Transport https://www.jays-audio.com/
Pass Labs XP30 preamp
First Watt J2 power amp http://www.firstwatt.com/j2.html
Mytek Brooklyn Amp+ https://mytekdigital.com/hifi/products/brooklyn-amp-plus/
Decware Zen Triode
Klipsch Cornwall IV speakers https://youtu.be/M8H3Wx80V3Y