The Severity of Shaming a Fellow—A Deeper Look
The Torah’s warning against harming a widow or orphan is striking—not only does the verse shift from plural to singular unexpectedly, but every verb is doubled: “If hurt you hurt him,” “if scream he will scream,” “Hear I will Hear.” What is the Torah hinting at with this unusual grammar?
Even more astonishing is the punishment Hashem promises—death. Why such an extreme consequence for merely transgressing a prohibition? And why does the verse add, "Your wives will be widows and your children orphans"—why should the sinner’s family suffer? And if the wives are widows, isn’t it obvious that the children are orphans?
Join this shiur as we unravel the depth of Hashem’s love for every individual, explore the profound significance of these verses, and understand why shaming another person carries such severe consequences in the eyes of the Torah.
Shiur is given by Rabbi Fridmann from Badatz Miami.