😨😳😥Hello Viewers, Welcome to the Mystery Talks YouTube Channel!😨😳😥
Our videos are based on real events that have happened to people.🙏💝
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Interviewer: Vviirendra Mohite Patil 👦🏼
Interviewee: Nutan Tiwari
DOP: Abhijeet Yadav 👦🏼
Assistant DOP : Bhavesh Kilje
Lights/Camera: Vs Photography & Films 👦🏼
Production: Abhijeet Yadav / VS Photography & Films 👦🏼
Editing: Sanmit Bhegade Patil / Bhavesh Kilje👦🏼
Music/Sound: Vviirendra Mohite Patil / Sanmit Bhegade Patil👦🏼
Special Thanks:
Kiran Battav 👦🏼
📸Follow Us On Instagram:
📲 Mystery Talk (Official Account): https://www.instagram.com/mystery_tal...
📲 Virendra Mohite Patil(Founder): https://www.instagram.com/virendra_mo...
📲 Abhijeet Yadav(Founder): https://www.instagram.com/abhi_r_y?ig...
📲 Sanmit Bhegade Patil (Editor):https://www.instagram.com/mainly_sanm...
📲 Vishal Pandhare(Camera/Lights): https://www.instagram.com/iam__rutu?i...
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