शरीर और आत्मा कैसे एक हो? क्यों शरीर और आत्मा अलग दिखाई पड़ते है? How to merge body and soul? #osho #meditation #oshodiscourse #oshogyan #oshokivani #oshomotivation #oshoparvachan #oshospeechhindi #spirituality #body #soul #soulmate #soulmates
Let's learn this wisdom together since we are all everyone's spiritual soulmates.
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sharir aur aatma mein kya antar hai
sharir aur aatma
sharir aur aatma kya hai
sharir aur aatma mein antar
sharir aur atma mein kya antar hai
dhyan sharir aur aatma