From Mekdes tsegaye's fairytale ceremony to Selam tesfaye's romantic celebration, we're counting down the top 10 most talked-about Ethiopian celebrity weddings! We'll be highlighting the stunning fashion, the star-studded guest lists, and the unforgettable moments that made these weddings unforgettable. Get ready to reminisce with us as we explore the weddings of some of your favorite Ethiopian stars, including Etsehiwot Abebe, Fryat Yeman, Melat Nebiyu, Meseret Mebrate, Mulalem, Ermias, Daniel, and the always-charming Seifu Fantahun who is known for his tv show called seifu on ebs.
የተለያዩ የኢትዮጵያ አርቲስቶች ሰርግ ተዳሰዋል። የምንወዳቸውን አርቲስቶቻችን ሰርጎች ከ10 እስከ 1ኛ ደረጃ ሰጥተናቸዋል። ሰይፉ ፋንታሁን,ሰላም ተስፋዬ, እፀህይወት አበበና እና ፍሪያት የማነነ ጨምሮ ሌሎችም በኢትዮጵያ ፊልም እና ኪነጥበብ የምናውቃቸው አርቲስቶች ተካተዋል።
በርካታ ገንዘብ የወጣባቸው ፣ በተለያዩ አርቲስቶች የደመቁና አስገራሚ አልባሳት የታዩባቸው ሰርጎችንም ታገኛላችሁ።
#EthiopianWeddings #CelebrityWeddings #WeddingFashion #EthiopianCulture #Entertainment #Top10 #Countdown #MustSee
#SelamTesfaye #EtsehiwotAbebe #MekdesTsegaye #FryatYeman #MelatNebiyu #MeseretMebrate#Mulalem#Ermias #Daniel #SeifuFantahun
#AddisAbaba #Ethiopia