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पोहे उपीट खाऊन कंटाळा आला? बनवा जाळीदार नारळाचा डोसा आणि चटणी | Coocnut Dosa Coconut Chutney Recipe

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पोहे उपीट खाऊन कंटाळा आला? बनवा जाळीदार नारळाचा डोसा आणि चटणी | Coocnut Dosa Coconut Chutney Recipe

South Indian Coconut Dosa Recipe | साऊथ इंडियन कोकोनट डोसा रेसिपी

नाश्त्याला आपण साऊथ इंडियन पदार्थ सर्वानाच आवडतात. इडली सांबर, मसाला डोसा, सादा डोसा, आप्पे, कांदे पोहे, स्पंज डोसा आणि भरपूर काही.
पण डोसा, मध्ये तेच ते डोसा प्रकार खाऊन कंटाळा आला तर आज आपण नवीन डोसा प्रकार बनवणार आहोत. कोकोनट डोसा आणि त्यासोबत मस्त खमंग नारळाची चटणी.

कोकोनट डोसा बनवण्यासाठी लागणारे साहित्य | Coconut Dosa Recipe -
• तांदूळ ३ कप | Rice 3 Cups
• मेथी दाणे १ चमचा | Fenugreek Seeds 1 tsp
• खोवलेला ताजा नारळ दीड कप | Fresh Scraped Coconut 1 1/2 Cups
• पोहे १ कप | Poha 1 Cup
• पाणी अंदाजे १ कप (वाटण्यासाठी ) | Water 1 Cup approx. to grind coconut
• मीठ चवीनुसार | Salt to Taste

Method -
• Wash and soak the rice add fenugreek seeds and soak for 5-6 hours.
• Grind the soaked rice to fine paste and transfer the batter into a bowl.
• In a grinding jar add coconut and grind to smooth paste and mix into rice batter.
• Wash the poha and grind it using some water and mix poha mixture into the rice batter and mix everything well.

डोसा चटणी बनवण्यासाठी | For making Dosa Chutney
• खोवलेला नारळ १ कप | Grated Fresh Coconut 1 Cup
• पंढरपुरी डाळ ३ tbsp | Roasted Chana Daal 3 tbsp
• चिंच १ | Tamarind 1
• कोथिंबीर २ चमचे | Farsh Coriander 2 tbsp
• थंड पाणी | Chilled water or ice cubes
• मीठ चवीनुसार | Salt to taste
फोडणीसाठी | Tempering
• तेल १ चमचा | Oil 2 tsp
• मोहरी १/२ चमचा | Mustard seeds 1/4 tsp
• कढीपत्ता | Curry leaves
• हिंग १/४ चमचा | Asafoetida 1/4 tsp

Method -

In a grinding jar add coconut, roasted chana daal, tamarind, coriander and salt using some water.
• in a tanaka pan heat up some oil, add mustard seeds curry leaves and asafoetida and pour this tanaka onto ready chutney.
• our delicious coconut dosa chutney is ready to eat.

Today we are going to make coconut dosa recipe, in this coconut dosa we are not using any daal it is just made up using rice and coconut.
Very super soft and spongy coconut dosa. Really easy to make and need very less ingredients. You can make it soft and spongy like loni sponge dosa or if you want you can make it super crispy like masala dosa too. Kurkurit masala dosa, kurkurit sada dosa, dosa recipe saritas kitchen, also here I have shared some kitchen tips to make dosa crispier and it will start crispy for longer time. In this video I have made dosa coconut chutney recipe. South Indian dosa recipe, masala dosa recipe, loni dosa recipe, set dosa recipe, neer dosa recipe, but today I’m sharing recipe of very easy coconut dosa recipe. Jini dosa recipe, is quite similar, but this coconut dosa is really easy than any other dosa recipe.
Dosa coconut chutney is one of the favourite chutney, I have shared South Indian dosa coconut chutney recipe.

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