수상할 정도로 잘생긴 틱톡커가 우리 학교 선생님..?! 😲 틱톡커로 완벽 서프라이즈 준비한 피원하모니의 중학교 어택|RUN TO YOU|런투유|P1Harmony | 피원하모니
The fourth generation TikTok genius K-pop idol, P1Harmony, who will lead the
fourth industrial revolution
This time, they became 🎶TikTok Harmony🎶, not as a K-pop idol, for the sudden
school attack.
Guys, what if P1Harmony makes a TikTok video at your school all of a sudden?
(This is a real situation!!!!)
Replay with your response and your MBTI type~~~
➕P1Harmony YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/P1Harmonyofficial
➕P1Harmony Twitter : https://twitter.com/P1H_official
➕P1Harmony Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/P1Harmony
➕P1Harmony Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/p1h_official/
➕P1Harmony Vlive : https://www.vlive.tv/channel/9AAC91
➕P1Harmony Official TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@p1harmony
K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
K-POP의 모든 즐거움이 여기에,
다양한 원더케이 오리지널 컨텐츠를 만나보세요!
K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
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▶1theK Kakao : https://goo.gl/otRpZc
▶1theK TikTok : https://vt.tiktok.com/2mSMBS