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हिम्मत चाहिए इस माँ की कहानी सुनने के लिए | Never Give Up | Shweta | Josh Talks Aasha

जोश Talks आशा 273,508 lượt xem 11 months ago
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अगर आप एक ऐसा Course करना चाहते है जो आपको Work From Home Jobs के काबिल बनाए और आपको 100% Job Guarantee भी दे, तो आप इस फॉर्म को भरे :

This story is about the extraordinary journey of a woman who faces numerous hardships and ultimately achieves success through her self-respect and courage. Shweta Sahu, from a small town in Bihar, shares her life’s struggles and triumphs in this video.

After her marriage, Shweta found a loving husband, but the burden of family responsibilities and societal expectations became a constant part of her life. She juggled between her job and household duties, facing daily difficulties, but continued to move forward due to her positivity and determination. Gradually, she started a business with her husband, which kept her engaged in this new life. Despite her hard work, she endured criticism and taunts from society and family members.

A significant turning point in Shweta’s life came when the pandemic disrupted her world. Both her husband and father-in-law fell severely ill, and Shweta cared for them alone. She stood by her husband until his last breath and fulfilled her responsibilities bravely. Yet, during these challenging times, she didn’t receive emotional support from her family. Shweta raised her daughter as a strong parent, ensuring she never felt her father's absence.

Through this inspiring story, Shweta demonstrates that every hardship, no matter how tough, can be an opportunity for growth and resilience. She held herself with her inner strength and resolved to move in a new direction. Her story is an inspiration for all women who are struggling through difficult times and striving to achieve their dreams.

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हिम्मत चाहिए इस माँ की कहानी सुनने के लिए | Never Give Up | Story Of Shweta | Josh Talks Aasha
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Josh Talks Aasha is a part of The Josh Group. With 6 years, 9 languages,11 million subscribers, 5000+ stories and continuous interactions with the Josh Community, we realized the need to start a conversation about contemporary topics that impact our personal and professional lives in today's India. Hence, Josh Talks introduces Josh Aasha, a platform where together, we create a unique perspective about every aspect of our life from Finance, Career, Laws to Relationships, Emotions and Personal Image, all this and more through informative videos and discussions. Aasha is a part of the Josh Group.

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