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शाही राजभोग आईस्क्रीम | घरातलेच जिन्नस व दुधापासून मऊ क्रिमी राजभोग आईसक्रीम Rajbhog IceCreamRecipe

Sarita's Kitchen 208,672 lượt xem 10 months ago
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शाही राजभोग आईस्क्रीम | घरातलेच जिन्नस व दुधापासून मऊ क्रिमी राजभोग आईसक्रीम Rajbhog IceCreamRecipe

राजभोग आईस्क्रीम रेसिपी | घरच्या घरी क्रिमी राजभोग आईस्क्रीम | बिना क्रिम, घरच्या घरी आईस्क्रीम | सोप्या पद्धतीने आईस्क्रीम |  Rajbhog Ice Cream Recipe | Homemade Ice Cream Recipe | How to make Icecream without whipping cream |
खवा बनवण्यापासून ते आईस्क्रीम सेट होईपर्येंत संपूर्ण सविस्तर कृती.
साहित्य | Ingredients
• म्हशीचे दूध / फुल क्रीम दूध १ लिटर | Full Cream Milk 1 liter 
• साखर १/२ कप | Sugar ½ Cup
• मलाई किंवा दूध पावडर १/२ कप | Fresh Cream or Milk Powder ½ cup
• कॉर्नफ्लोअर २ tbsp | Cornflour 2 tbsp
• पिस्ता पावडर किंवा किसलेले पिस्ते २-३ tbsp | Grated Pista 2-3 tbsp
• पिस्ताचे पातळ काप २-३ tbsp | Sliced Pistachios 2-3 tbsp
• काजूचे तुकडे २-३ tbsp | Chopped Cashew nuts 2-3 tbsp
• बदामाचे तुकडे २-३ tbsp | Chopped Almonds 2-3 tbsp 
• केशर १ चिमटी | Saffron Sticks 1 pinch
• वेलची पूड २ चिमटी | Cardamom Powder 2 pinch

How to make Homemade Ice Cream Recipe -
•To Make Ice Cream base for Rajbhog ice cream, we need to make mava / khoya for that - take ½ liter milk into a fry pan, and bring it to boil. Once the milk starts boiling, turn the flame to low and keep stirring the milk, scrape the stuck malai from the edges of the pan, & stir until you get a whitish color khoya / mava. Turn off the flame when you get thick mava and allow it to cool down. On high flame it will take approx 15-16 minutes to get thick milk solids i.e. mava.
•Now into another kadhai or pan keep the remaining milk for boiling, once milk starts boiling, turn the flame to low and keep stirring for 3-4 minutes.
•Then add Sugar, saffron sticks and cook for 4-5 minutes more. 
•Now into a bowl take ¼ cup milk (normal temp) , add some corn flour and make a lumps free slurry. Pour this slurry into a boiling mixture and stir continuously and  cook the mixture until it gets thick yet flowy. 
•After 2 minutes the mixture got thick but didn't stay on the back of the spatula so cook for 2 more minutes.
•After 2 minutes check again, the mixture should be thick as shown in the video, the mixture should stay on the back of the spatula. Which means our mixture is ready. Turn off the flame and allow it to cool down. Stir the mixture to avoid formation of the malai at the top of the mixture.
•Once the mixture comes at room temp. take the mixture into a large mixing bowl and blend with a cream beater for some time approx 2 minutes or until mixture’s color gets slightly light (you can use hand blender / mixer grinder juicer jar to blend the mixture)
•Once done, add ready khoya and 2 pinch of cardamom pw. and again beat for sometime or churn into a juicer jar. 
•Then add milk powder and again beat for just 30 seconds to mix everything well.
if you are using malai don't overmix else malai will release its fat and ice cream wont turn out good.
•Now set the mixture into the same bowl, cover with a foil and refrigerate it for 2 hours into a deep freezer. 
•After 2-3 hours, take the mixture out, again blend using a beater or juicer for 2-3 minutes.
•Now add some chopped pistachios, cashews and almonds and mix well.
•Now into a tray or a container pour half of the mixture, add a layer of chopped pistachios, cashews and almonds.
Pour remaining mixture, at the top add a layer of the remaining dryfruits, and grated pistachios.
•Now, cover with a foil or cling wrap, close the lid of the container and refrigerate into a deep freezer for 7-8 hours or overnight.
Our Creamy, tasty yet healthy Rajbhog Ice Cream is ready, take a scoop and Enjoy… 
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