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01:00-Steaming awle
01:34-Separating petals
01:54-Making candy
04:28-Drying the candies
05:20-Storing awla syrup
05:49-Tastung awla sarbat
06:20-Sprinking powdered sugar in candies
07:18-Storing the candies
#awlacandy #awlasyrup #amlakichutney #awlachunda #moravala #madhurasrecipemarathi
Let’s see how to make healthy and tasty awla candy today. This is one of the most requested respires. I am sure this candy will take you bake to your childhood!! It gets that perfect chewy texture and tastes nice sweet and sour. I will share a very easy and simple method. Also you will get recipe for awla sarbat syrup in the video. Isn’t it exciting!! As we all know awla or amla or goose berry has lot many health benefits. Besides this is the season for awla. So, why not make candy that you can preserve over a year!! You can say, this is a good way to preserve awla throughout the year. We already have seen different awla recipes. This is yet another delicious addition to the list. Try this recipe at home and drop a comment for me. You also can like, share and subscribe.
• 500 gm Awle
• 300 gm Sugar
• 6~7 Cloves
• 1 Cinnamon stick
• Powdered Sugar
• Wash awle really good and dry them well with a clean cotton cloth.
• Steam the awle on medium heat for 20 minutes.
• Take the awle out and let them cool down.
• Separate the petals of steamed awle.
• Heat up a pan on medium heat and add sugar, cloves, cinnamon and steamed awla petals.
• Mix well and cook it together on low heat until sugar dissolves completely and thin sugar syrup is
formed. Avoid use of water.
• Cook the awla in sugar syrup for about 13-14 minutes.
• When the awla gets nice glaze and turns a little transparent, turn the gas off and let the mixture
cool down completely.
• Strain the mixture into a bowl and let all the syrup completely drain.
• Spread all the candies on a clean cotton cloth and dry it in shade or under fan for about 2 days.
• Make sure not to dry the candies under sun now.
• After drying for 2 days in shade or under fan, sundry it for just about an hour.
• Sprinkle powdered sugar in dried candies and coat them well. Awla candy is ready.
• Store the candies in an airtight glass jar or ziplock bag.
• They have shelf life over a year.
• Store the strained syrup in a glass jar in freeze. You can make awla sarbat from the syrup.
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