वेदातील विज्ञान - डॉ. सुचेता परांजपे - व्याख्यान १ - वेद महोत्सव २४
On the occasion of National Science Day, we bring to you the Lecture by Dr. Sucheta Paranjape on 'Science in the Vedas', delivered on the occasion of वेद महोत्सव २०२४, on 11th February 2024 Sunday, at Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, Mumbai, organised by Maharshi Vyas Vidya Pratishthan in collaboration with Sanskrit Dept, Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College.
#mahotsav #sanskrit #veda #vedas #suchetaparanjape #rigveda #yajurveda #atharvaveda #samaveda #samveda #rugved #vedicliterature #sanskritliterature #vedamahotsava #mahotsava #mvvp #ruia #sanskritkavya #sanskritlectures #sanskritpoetry #ancientindia #vedictraditions