下雨天, 我們搭乘火車,遊覽「海線五寶」的大山車站、新埔車站,以及海邊小村新埔聚落。新埔聚落像迷宮般,小巷曲弄,古厝超多的,貓咪知道,但是貓咪不說。新埔的狗狗愛生氣,可能是很少見到遊客吧!
On a rainy day, we took the train to visit the Dashan Station and Xinpu Station of the "Five Treasures of the Coastal Line", as well as the Xinpu seaside village. The Xinpu village is like a maze, with winding alleys and many old houses. The cat knows, but the cat doesn't answer. Dogs in Xinpu get angry easily, probably because they rarely see tourists!