00:00 摘要
00:41 片頭
05:13 時代縮影
08:42 核動力優勢
美國海軍退役航母約翰・肯尼迪號(CV - 67)近期正式駛離了停留 17 年之久的費城,並前往德州接受船體拆解。
肯尼迪號的結局,也標志著常規動力航母在美國海軍的徹底落幕。作為小鷹級 「最後一艦」 ,其有著獨特的設計與服役經歷,曾參與海灣戰爭等重大軍事行動,此前還曾經歷 「1 美分」 出售事件。
The retired US Navy aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CV-67) recently officially left Philadelphia, where it had stayed for 17 years, and went to Texas for dismantling.
The end of the Kennedy also marks the complete end of conventional-powered aircraft carriers in the US Navy. As the "last ship" of the Kitty Hawk class, it has a unique design and service experience. It has participated in major military operations such as the Gulf War and has previously experienced a "1 cent" sale.
So why does the US Navy want to completely eliminate conventional-powered aircraft carriers and turn to nuclear power? Let's talk about it today.