#바비 #할리우드 #구단선
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📑 참고문헌 📑
BBC News. (2020, September 7). Disney criticised for filming Mulan in China’s Xinjiang province. BBC News.
Ichimura, A. (1970). Every Time Hollywood Messed Up and Displayed China’s Illegal Nine-Dash Line on Screen. Esquiremag.ph.
De Guzman, C. (2023, July 4). Barbie Is Just the Latest Hollywood Film to Get Caught in the Crossfire of Asian Geopolitics. Time.
Ives, M. (2023, July 12). How ‘Barbie’ and BlackPink entered South China Sea Map Spat. The New York Times.
Homewood, C. (July 4, 2014). Transformers 4: China is using Hollywood to take on the world. The Conversation.
Oppenheim, M. (2017, April 20). Richard Gere says he’s been dropped from big Hollywood movies because China doesn’t like him. The Independent.
이기범(LEE, Ki Beom). (2012). 중국의 '구단선'(九段線)에 관한 여러 가지 해석들과 UN해양법협약. 국제법평론, (38), 143-172.