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#英國女王 #大英帝國 #大英國協王國
00:00 開頭
00:56 從「大英帝國」到「大英國協」
02:44 最忠心的「大英國協王國」
03:38 什麼!加拿大元首不是杜魯道?
04:57 為什麼要擁戴英國皇室?
06:31 分手派的代表:巴貝多
08:04 巴貝多「出走」,外界怎麼看?
09:10 我們的觀點
10:34 提問
10:52 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→The Time Has Come’: Barbados Casts Off the Queen as Head of State, and Others May Follow:https://nyti.ms/31nd6xT
→Opinion | Long live Barbados as a republic, soon to be free of tarnished 'global Britain':https://bit.ly/2T9wOIX
→「完全擺脫殖民樣貌」 不再把英國女王當國家元首 巴貝多2021年轉為共和制:https://bit.ly/3dInQf6
→巴貝多將取消英女王國家元首地位 讓自己的人民當家作主:https://bit.ly/35gC82U
→As Barbados Drops Queen Elizabeth II, Here’s Where Else The Monarch Is Head Of State:https://bit.ly/2IHC4Br
→Barbados plans to remove the Queen as head of state without a referendum – is that a wise idea?:https://bit.ly/34bZ0B5
→Barbados to remove Queen as head of state:https://bit.ly/3dJaijK
→Times have changed': Barbadians in Reading welcome republic plans:https://bit.ly/37ofCri
→巴貝多將取消英女王元首地位 英議員控中國施壓:https://bit.ly/2HhDJgD
→Royal Family still has huge appeal in Barbados despite fresh bid to axe Queen, study finds:https://bit.ly/2HoXHFZ
→Could Canada follow Barbados and drop the Queen as head of state?:https://bit.ly/2IELUnE
→Open to Debate: Does Canada need a monarchy? :https://bit.ly/3m65PdU
→Global Opinions | Canada’s embarrassing governor general should resign — and no one should replace her:https://wapo.st/3kevCQz
→Rihanna fans ‘nominate’ her to replace Queen Elizabeth II as Barbados' head of state:https://fxn.ws/34dPFsL
→「成為一個主權獨立的國家」 澳洲八大地方首長表態支持改行共和制:https://bit.ly/2Hj5K7A
→紐國脫英風潮起 6成民眾想選國家元首:https://bit.ly/37ncwnB
→New Zealand likely to become a republic in my lifetime, Jacinda Ardern says:https://bit.ly/3m4sAi4
→Opinion | Why America Needs a Royal Family:https://nyti.ms/2HkQ6IN
→圖片出處:2011年 威廉王子和凱特王妃首次海外參訪,在加拿大受到熱烈歡迎:https://bit.ly/34bRYMM
→圖片出處:The royal:familyhttps://bit.ly/2Hhn3pw
【 延伸閱讀 】
→The Difference between the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England Explained:https://bit.ly/3m66mMW
→Britain misses its empire more than other major post-colonial powers, poll finds:https://bit.ly/3m66nAu
→澳洲史上最大政治風暴解密!總督開除總理引爆憲政危機 王室書信公開:英國女王未獲事前通知:https://bit.ly/2T9y0vR