Hey friends, we are all tired of getting scolded by our mothers for not bathing enough. i mean they expect us to have a bath in the morning, before sleeping, right after working out, after spending a long time in the garden playing with friends etc etc etc.. But what our humble mothers donot know is that we actually should not bath that often. Our body is a wonderful reservoir of a plethora of good microbes and some bad as well. But bathing so often removes the good microbes along with the bad ones which help make us more prone to sickness. So today in this video we talk about 10 such habitual things that we do on a daily basis that harm us like , Sharing bar soap, Using cotton swabs/Q tips, Not changing your toothbrush regularly, Not cleaning commonly used objects, Not taking a shower after workouts, Wearing shoes without socks, Not Flossing, Not washing your hands enough, Touching your face too much. Do watch the entire video to know more.
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