This video is part 2 of my build of a 1/16 scale M8 Greyhound Tank Model kit from Andys Hobby Headquarters. In this part I show all steps to assemble a complete 1/16 Scale Model Kit. Additionally I show how to upgrade a tank model with self made equipment and after market sets. Of course I use traditionally scale model tools like tweezers, cutters and glue, additionally I show every workstep and use several different materials, like sculpting clay, wire, aluminum foil and ordinary paper tissues to create unique additional equipment to bring a scale model on a higher level of detailing.
In the following episodes I will show the painting of the tank model, figures and the creation of a self made diorama.
If you haven´t seen part 1 yet, follow this link:
For further information about scale modelling, scratch building, painting and weathering, look on my channel which provides a lot of videos about kit assembly, miniature figure painting and diorama construction.
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