In my opinion, out of all the Fighting Games I have played, Mortal Kombat has the best and most interesting Lore to me. I had alot of fun making and editing this video. I've also done some homework on this series and even though I've played every MK game except "Special Forces" (I'll get to that) I learn more details about the MK Universe. I've been playing MK since 93 as a small child, Goro was terrifying to me as a child lol. Favorite fighter is Liu Kang. Watched the Mortal Kombat movie when when it first came on Cox Pay-Per-View in '95.
Now in this video as much as I enjoy MK's Lore and Characters, this game is very annoying! You'll see why mostly towards the end of the video, the gmae really cheats and the CPU even breaks the logic and rules to the game just to win, it's very frustrating and wasn't fun beating the game. Also, I made the ending to this video as close to how the MK movie would end, I think I did ok. Thank you to all of my Subs, especially those that have stuck around this long. I hope you all enjoy this video and the previous videos I have posted. Take care.
Also, Loud music warning at 14:45 for headphone users. I didn't set the volume too well and it may be too loud for some. Just giving a heads up.