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2 मिनट में मिक्सी में Cappuccino Coffee बनाने का बिल्कुल सही और आसान तरीका/Creamy Cappuccino recipe

Sonal Ki Rasoi 7,361,824 lượt xem 4 years ago
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2 मिनट में मिक्सी में Cappuccino Coffee बनाने का बिल्कुल सही और आसान तरीका/Creamy Cappuccino recipe

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4 teaspoon coffee
8 teaspoon sugar
3-4 ice cubes
Hot milk
Drinking chocolate

In a mixer add 4 teaspoon coffee, 8 teaspoon sugar and grind in pulse mode (on & off), then add 3-4 ice cubes and grind again in pulse mode until thick creamy consistency
In a cup add 1-2 teaspoon coffee mixture then add hot milk , stir well and decorate with coffee mixture and drizzle some drinking chocolate on top
Serve hot cappuccino

#sonalkirasoi #cappuccino #coffee #homemadefood #restaurantstylerecipes #easyrecipes #specialrecipe

1 मिनट में मिक्सी में Cappuccino Coffee बनाने का बिल्कुल सही और आसान तरीका/Creamy Cappuccino recipe without coffee machine /homemade coffee recipe /Dalgona coffee /coffee recipe/ instant coffee recipe /1 minute coffee method /hot coffee recipe /milk coffee recipe / cappuccino coffee for coffee lover /how to make perfect coffee without hardwork /how to make perfect cafe style cappuccino coffee at home in less time / 1 minute coffee recipe/Starbucks style coffee in just 1 minute / perfect coffee for coffee lover /restaurant style cappuccino coffee at home with less time / time saving coffee recipe first time on YouTube

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