“Life is like a trip”
On the 19th day after Tabong was born, I'm going to show you a day at home after leaving the hospital and care-center.
It's the first time in everything, so it's a clumsy and difficult thing every day.
Even if it looks a bit clumsy, even if this doesn't seem like much... We're working hard to give tabong a lot of love while studying hard, so please support us~~
Good tips or help are always welcome ^^ Have a happy day everyone
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This video provides CC subtitles in addition to self-subtitles.
🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 토끼가깡충
폰트 출처 링크 : https://gongu.copyright.or.kr/gongu/wrt/wrt/view.do?wrtSn=13288476&menuNo=200026