2022年末巨作!丹麦全家30+亲友彻底被冰冰做的中国美食征服! 自制糯米烧麦,荷花酥,小酥肉吃得赞不绝口连连竖大拇指!! 公婆舅舅舅妈瞬间化身中国美食宣传大使! 我们全家陪大家跨年!! 最后一个视频,祝大家新年快乐!
The last video for 2022, our whole danish family members and friends gathered together to have some good time! Bingbing made a huge amount of super delicious Chinese traditional food such as deep fried crispy pork, lotus flower cake, shao mai etc. Everyone was so amazed!! and compeletely fall in love with Chinese food! 😊
We had a wonderful time with our family and friends to celebrate Christimas and New Year. Wish you guys a very happy new year! And thank you very much for stay with us and support us! 💞
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