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①ガレットブルトンヌ Garrette Bretonne
直径 45mm(型の大きさはお好みで)約35個分
無塩バター(発酵バターがおすすめ) 225g
グラニュー糖 140g
卵黄 2個(40g)
薄力粉 170g
強力粉 40g
アーモンドプードル 30g
塩 4g
卵黄 1個分
水 小さじ1/2
butter 225g
sugar 140g
2 egg yolks (40g)
20g rum
Plain flour 170g
40g strong flour
Almond Poodle 30g
4g salt
Add sugar to the butter brought to room temperature and mix with a rubber spatula.
Add egg yolks and rub to combine.
Sift the flour, salt, and almond poodle, add the rum, and mix until the powder is gone.
Stretch to a thickness of 1.5 cm. Chill in the refrigerator for 1,2 hours.
Powder the cercle and pull it out.
Grease with egg yolks and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Grease the yolk again and draw a line with a fork.
Put the cookie in a cercle that is one size larger than the cookie you pulled out (about 5 mm) and bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for about 30 to 35 minutes.
②型抜きクッキー Die-cut cookies
レシピ https://youtu.be/3Y5d3lGvBkE
③フロランタンFlorentin (20㎝×32cm)→4㎝×4㎝ 40枚分
無塩バター 110g
粉糖 90g
アーモンドパウダー 23g
全卵 37g
塩 1g
生クリーム 60g
無塩バター 45g
グラニュー糖 65g
はちみつ 30g
アーモンド スライス100g
butter 110g
sugar 90g
Almond powder 23g
Plain flour 200g
Whole egg 37g
Salt 1g
60g fresh cream
45g butter
65g granulated sugar 30g honey
100g sliced almonds
Add sugar to butter brought to room temperature and grind with a rubber spatula.
Add eggs brought to room temperature in 2-3 doses.
Mix plain flour, almond poodle, and salt with a sieve and chop with a rubber spatula.
Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the refrigerator for 2~3 hours. Stretch it 5 mm thick × 22 cm to 34 cm square.
・Put on a silpan and bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.
Put ingredients other than sliced almonds in a saucepan and boil down a little over medium heat. Turn off the fire, add the almonds and stir.
Spread to sables.
Bake in an oven preheated to 170 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes.
Cut your favorite while warm.
④ココアのディアマンクッキー cocoa diaman cookies 30〜40枚分
無塩バター 100g
グラニュー糖 70g
卵黄 20g
塩 ひとつまみ
アーモンドプードル 36g
ココアパウダー 30g
アーモンドスライス 40g
100g butter
70g sugar
20g egg yolk
a pinch of salt
Plain flour 130g
Almond Poodle 36g
30g cocoa powder
40g almond slice
Add sugar to butter brought to room temperature and grind with a rubber spatula. Add the yolks and mix.Mix plain flour, almond poodle, cocoa, and salt with a sieve and chop with a rubber spatula.
When it is still a little powdery, add the almond slices and mix.
Mold into a stick and chill in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.
Cut into pieces about 1~1.5cm thick and bake in an oven preheated to 170°C for 15~17 minutes.
⑤スノーボールクッキーSnowball Cookies 直径2.5cm 約25〜30個分
無塩バター 70g
粉砂糖 20g
くるみ 40g
塩 ひとつまみ
バニラオイル 少々
Plain flour ( 100g
70g butter
20g powdered sugar
40g walnuts
a pinch of salt
A little vanilla oil
Like other cookies Roast walnuts for 8 minutes.
Bake in the oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 15 minutes.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar while it is slightly warm.
無塩バター 100g
粉糖 50g
塩 0.3g
バニラペースト 適量→エッセンスは揮発するのでNG
卵白 17g
00:00 オープニング
00:48 ガレット・ブルトンヌ
03:38 型抜きクッキー
04:45 フロランタン
08:50 ココアのディアマンクッキー
12:14 胡桃のスノーボールクッキー
16:52 絞り出しクッキー
21:39 クッキー缶 ラッピング