◆How to install the software is described in the description section.
After Effects has useful extensions that can improve the efficiency of your work.
In this article, we will introduce four that we recommend.
From the next video, we will utilize these extensions, so please try to introduce them.
Motion Tools Pro, a more advanced version of Motion Tools, is available for free download as of April 2023.
If you have not yet installed it, download it as soon as possible.
Download link for "Motion Tools Pro" ↓↓↓↓
*I don't know when it will be paid for...
・Ease Copy (you can add to cart with price 0$)
・FX Console
For Motion Tools / Ease Copy / Buttcapper
Move the [Download Data] to the following location.
(Windows)Program Files\AdobeAdobe After Effects 2020\Support Files\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels
(Mac OS) Applications/Adobe After Effects 2020/Scripts/ScriptUI Panels
The Adobe After Effects 2020 section applies to your version.
▼Download Data
Motion Tools = Motion Tools 2.jsxbin
Ease Copy = EaseCopy.jsxbin and shortcut_scripts folder
Buttcapper = ButtCapper.jsxbin
For FX Console, the downloaded data is the installer.
Run FXConsole_1.0.5_Installer_x64.exe.