Inside Out is one of those movies that sticks with you. You maybe related to moments like baby Riley being force-fed broccoli. Oh wait, you don’t remember that? Do you remember some other vegetable? Well, did you watch the movie in Japan? Because the broccoli was reanimated for its release there because they think broccoli is delicious. The pizza also got reanimated, by the way. One tiny daydream about some sports was probably the most impractical animation change ever. Literally, it made no sense with the rest of the plot and we’re kind of mad about it. On the other hand, one super cool thing was that in Bing Bong had to be reanimated for one scene pertaining to a danger sign since in some languages you read from right to left and not left-to-right. Sometimes, instead of having to reanimate words in every language though, they will find a common symbol to replace those words and that’s exactly what they did for one phone call. And possibly the biggest change is always the title. The titles can vary so drastically and Inside Out has one hilarious name in another language that when translated back into English is definitely not Inside Out but is just beautiful and we wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s super cool that Pixar is willing to go that extra mile to personalize different countries' experiences instead of just dropping a dub over top of the language. We just think those little details make the experience so much more magical, don’t you? Give the video a watch if you’re curious about that translation…
00:00 Intro
00:21 Broccoli and Peppers
01:00 The Pizza
01:36 Swapping the Puck
02:46 Danger
03:17 Mom
04:08 The Title
05:00 Outro
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Written by: Kydra Ryan
Narrated by: Kydra Ryan
Edited by: Lucía Canabal
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