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6 Types of Boundaries You Need to Stop Being Codependent: Part 1

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⭐️ GET THE SIMPLE STEPS TO SELF-TRUST: ✅ Grab my free list of 25 HEALTHY WAYS TO SAY NO: People have the wrong idea about boundaries - they think boundaries will make them rigid, difficult or unkind. The exact opposite is true if you have HEALTHY ones. Healthy boundaries preserve and protect us and our relationships. Without them we can get into relationship dynamics of feeling resentful, angry, violated or unsafe. Because so few of us understand what boundaries actually are, we rarely see them working well. But when they do, it makes all the difference in your mental health and the health of your relationships. There are 6 types of boundaries you need to feel and live your best, and in this talk, I’ll teach you about the first one: Physical boundaries. You will learn what the key types of physical boundaries are, how to set physical boundaries and what specifically you can say when setting a boundary. 💡 Get on The SHIFT SOCIETY Waitlist Here: FOLLOW JULIA ON SOCIAL 👋 Facebook: Instagram: ABOUT JULIA: Julia Kristina, MA Psych., is a speaker, teacher, master therapist and mental wellness coach who helps deep, highly sensitive humans get past anxiety, stress, and self-doubt so they can have better: Better relationships, a better life and feel amazing about themselves. Through her membership program, The Shift Society, she helps people identify their deep rooted thoughts and beliefs that are keeping them stuck and struggling, and then teaches them how to take charge of their minds and emotions so they can thrive in all areas of their lives. Julia’s expertise has been featured in Inc magazine, Psych Central, Mind Body Green and numerous other publications, podcasts and television outlets. She has also given talks in front of audiences of hundreds on stages across North America. Videos on her YouTube channel have been watched more than 15 million times and she has built a community of over 375,000 people across social media platforms. When she’s not helping her clients and students increase their emotional intelligence and mental strength, she’s out on some kind of adventure with her three children in Vancouver, Canada.
