#日本刀 #日本刀販売品 #日本刀銀座 #日本刀東京 #平安の太刀
太刀 生ぶ無銘 古波平
1000年の歴史 平安時代の太刀 をシリーズでお送りしております。
古代の刀剣シリーズ完結! 6世紀後半の遺物か!? 黄金の鳳凰は 本物? 偽物?
解説 深海信彦
アシスタント 今津
編集 今津 寺尾
時代考証 小島
監修 高橋 浄久
#JapaneseSword #JapaneseSwordForSale #JapaneseSwordGinza #JapaneseSwordTokyo #HeiανTachi Tachi Unsigned in its Original State "Konaminohira" - A sword from the mid-Heian period,
considered to be the oldest existing sword after the Japanese sword shape was established. We are presenting a series on 1000 years of history of Heian period tachi.
In this second installment of the series, Ginza Choshuya's Fukami adds empirical verification using "Konaminohira" as an example, based on the research results of Master Masakuni Ishii on the characteristics and highlights of Japanese swords from the Heian period.
The verification edition approaches the production date of the Konaminohira tachi by combining two decisive resources and research: the characteristics seen in Heian period tachi, such as futo (sword markings) seen in the Kanchiin-bon-meizukushi, uzumeyaki (buried forging), and Yamato tachi style, and the rules of Heian tachi advocated by Master Masakuni Ishii, a leading researcher of ancient swords and warabite-to (fern-handled swords), along with Ginza Choshuya Fukami's unique perspective.
Surprising content that delves into the depths of Heian tachi is now revealed! Don't miss it!
Ancient Sword Series Complete! A relic from the late 6th century!? The golden phoenix - Real or Fake?
Commentary: Nobuhiko Fukami
Assistant: Imazu
Editing: Imazu, Terao
Historical Verification: Kojima
Supervision: Kiyohisa Takahashi