A Quilting Life Planner and Workbook Workshop February 2022: Using Lists to Increase Productivity
In today's Quilting Life Planner and Workbook Workshop Sherri goes over the different list sections that are available in the workbook to help quilters get more projects completed in 2022. Sherri also answers questions that were left after the January video. Don't forget to leave your questions for Sherri in the comment section for next month's Q&A.
Read the blog post that goes along with this video here: https://www.aquiltinglife.com/2022/02/a-quilting-life-planner--workbook-february-2022.html/
My Aqua Notebook: https://amzn.to/32Xw1TU
Quilting Life Planner & Workbook (Etsy): https://www.etsy.com/listing/1049181873/pre-order-a-quilting-life-planner-and?ref=shop_home_active_23&frs=1&crt=1
Quilting Life Planner & Workbook (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3854sXV
Quilting Life Planner & Workbook (Fat Quarter Shop): http://shrsl.com/34o9i
Sherri's Amazon Storefront (with more favorite quilting products and books): https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-1ba72ce0
NOTE: Some of the links provided here are affiliate links.
Sherri McConnell
Find my blog here: https://www.aquiltinglife.com/
More About Me: https://www.aquiltinglife.com/about/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/AQuiltingLife/
Instagram: @aquiltinglife
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aquiltinglife
Lucidity By Kings https://youtu.be/m-DYAP9WAd0
Artist SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/onlyfeels
Music Promoted by https://goo.gl/5NfMV4