#AadeshRawal, #AshishJadhao, #AurangzebControversity #breakingnews #hindinews
In the latest episode of Off Camera, host Vikas Kumar discusses key political developments with Journalsit Aadesh Rawal, Ashutosh Pandey, and Aashish Jadhao.
🔹 Segment 1: Vikas Kumar and Aadesh Rawal analyze the internal power centers of Congress, Rahul Gandhi's strategy for the Gujarat elections, and the situation involving Priyanka Gandhi’s PA, Sandeep. Aadesh Rawal also explains why veteran Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar made a statement about Rajiv Gandhi.
🔹 Segment 2: Vikas Kumar speaks with Ashutosh Pandey about the latest developments in the BJP, including how the new BJP president will be chosen and the political scenario in the Bihar elections.
🔹 Segment 3: In the final segment, Vikas Kumar and senior Marathi journalist Aashish Jadhao discuss the recent controversy surrounding Aurangzeb.
Stay tuned for in-depth political insights! Like, share, and subscribe to Off Camera for more updates. #OffCamera #PoliticalNews #VikasKumar #Congress #BJP #Elections
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