제라늄 봄철 분갈이의 모든것-여름 무름병 걱정 할 필요없는 기본기 탄탄한 분갈이법 알려드립니다.-제라늄 잘 키우기-홈가드닝 아파트정원 HomeGardening#Pelargonium
#Zingayver #Growing plants #Repotting geraniums
00:51 Which object should be repotted in the spring?
02:47 Check and trim before repotting
09:19 Soil mixing
12:18 Choosing a planter size
12:58 Planting in pots
14:03 Watering Tips
15:40 Care tips after repotting
'Zingayver Home Gardening'
business : jinggyver@naver.com
instagram: @jinggyver
blog : https://blog.naver.com/jinggyver