제라늄 키우기 잘못된 상식이 너무 많아요! 쉽게 키우는 방법 알려드릴께요! -홈가드닝 제라늄정원 HomeGardening#pelargonium
#Zingaiber #Growing plants #Geraniums
Growing geraniums is not difficult
We change the stereotypes we knew.
00:50 Soil for growing geraniums
03:08 Watering Geranium
03:24 Water cycle link
06:40 Summer stem and leaf care
09:56 Root cleanup
10:19 Fertilizer and nutrition management in summer
11:35 Ventilation Ventilation is basic
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instagram: @jinggyver
blog : https://blog.naver.com/jinggyver